  • Gym Lab Hygiene Gym Lab Multipurpose Sanitizer

Gym Lab Multipurpose Sanitizer


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Sanitising areas such as gyms, fitness centres and dojos are more critical than ever post Covid-19. While restrictions are slowly easing and businesses are reopening, it is better to equip yourself with a sanitising agent to ensure your gym is ready to receive. 

Gym Lab is the ultimate gym disinfectant that is ready to shake up and disinfect your gym and combat sports equipment. The multipurpose, eucalyptus based formula has been scientifically proven to kill 99.9% of germs while eliminating unpleasant odours, deodorising and disinfecting. It is specifically designed for use on all gym equipment, non-washable gear and surfaces.

Gym Lab’s origins come from a concern for the environment and the endless amount of wipes and paper towels used in disinfecting gyms which clogs up our drainage systems and harms the environment. Thus, Gym Lab comes in as a sustainable and efficient alternative. With a quick spray of this multipurpose sanitiser, gym employees will be able to clean and disinfect yoga mats, exercise mats, cardiovascular machines, and weight training equipment without necessarily touching the surface. This prevents any risk of transferring germs, bacteria or virus that could potentially make gym-goers sick, lowering their immune system and making them susceptible to diseases. 

Gym Lab is a disinfectant derived from eucalyptus known for its natural anti-bacterial properties, making it a convenient, efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to paper towels and harmful wipes.

The only thing that will make gym-goers feel at ease in coming back to the gym and using the equipment is proper sanitisation guidelines and a trusted disinfectant sanitiser like Gym Lab.

100% Australian Made product

Eucalyptus based

Kills 99.9% of germs in 30 seconds

Spray & Go formula - No wiping required 

Environmentally Friendly 

Great for non-washable items 

175g Aerosol cans